Training Agent Program Overview This is a deeper dive informational page for potential Training Partners


We're thrilled that you're interested in our Training Agent Partner Program! Below, you'll find a detailed overview of the program and how it can benefit you. Please take a moment to read through to the end to understand what comes next. Thank you!

Once you've reviewed the information, we'd love to invite you to schedule some time with our Business Development Team. They're eager to answer all your questions and provide any additional information you may need.


In the beauty and grooming trades, the term "apprenticeship" typically refers to a newly licensed individual seeking to perfect their craft.

However, in our context, we're referring to a different scenario: non-licensed novice individuals who earn their hours toward licensure in a real-world salon/shop/spa setting.


Our objective is to partner with mentoring sponsor training partner salons/spas/shops and beauty industry apprentice candidates to provide oversight, reporting, and fundamental training to enhance the on-the-job training provided by the sponsor. We facilitate motivated individuals to realize sustainable careers within the beauty industry. We provide education, resources, and a community in which to thrive. Our goal is to make apprenticeship easy for both the Training Agent Partner and the Apprentice.


There are 2 sets of hours that must be accomplished. The first is called On-The-Job-Training (OJT) or On-The-Job-Learning (OJL), depending upon which state you are in.  These are clinic floor hours that the apprentice clocks in for.  The second set of hours is called Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) or Related Technical Instruction (RTI). The Related Instruction hours are completed concurrently with the On The Job hours.


What is expected on-site to operate an apprenticeship


One of the biggest challenges for a Training Agent Salon/Shop/Spa is tracking all the compliance with OJT/OJL and RSI/RTI hours along with tracking testing and documenting along the way. We take the pain out of the process.

Are you interested in a deeper dive on EXACTLY how the program is tracked and what the layout and content looks like? Click on the links to  use the log in information to get a preliminary sandbox view of the programs. 

Log in information for all programs:

Want to understand the integration of Canvas and Pivot Point better?  Take a look at this video.

Want to understand the nuances of Apprentiscope Apprenticeship Management Software? Take a look at this video.


If you have made it this far, you are probably asking what the process, to get approval is like.  This video outlines the steps and the infographic below provides visual of the process.  Keep in mind, once the process is started there is a 2 week deadline.


elow you will see a detailed breakdown of the costs and ongoing costs.  If you have questions, write them down for your meeting with the Business Development Team.

Training Agent Enrollment Fee

This is a on time fee per location. Our administrative team will audit, generate and submit the appropriate paperwork for the State and/or Federal Agencies along with setting up your profile accounts. You will receive one-on-one coaching in our Train the Trainer process and access to support materials and assigned a Learning Coach.

Training Agent Monthly Participation Fee

This is a recurring monthly fee per location for active participation in the program.  With this you receive monthly coaching for the apprentice with an assigned Learning Coach. The Training Agent has ongoing access to the Learning Coach as needed. Reporting and tracking to all State and/or Federal agencies.

Monthly Apprentice Fee

This is a per apprentice fee.  This fee can be passed on to the apprentice.  Make Sure and talk to your Learning Leader to get ideas on how to pass the fee on to the apprentice.

Monthly Participation Freeze Fee

In the event you find yourself without an apprentice the training agent can freeze their participation in the program.  This prevents the Training Agent from having to re-enroll.  Please contact our Program Administration Team to change your enrollment status.

Apprentice Enrollment Fee

This is a one time fee for the apprentice enrollment.  This fee covers the cost of their Pivot Point LAB Seat along with the administration of all documents for the State and/or Federal agencies.  Once this fee is paid the apprentice will have access to onboarding and ongoing training with an assigned learning coach.  Arrangements can be made for the apprentice to pay this directly or the Training Agent can pay on the apprentices behalf.  Download the pricing brochure here.


You want to get the ball rolling? Do you have more questions?

Got more questions?  Schedule a virtual meeting  time with our Subject Matter Experts from our Business Development Team here:

Do you feel confident with all the information and want to get the ball rolling? 
Start your video interview here: