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Atarashii Apprentice Program Blog

Atarashii Apprentice Program Blog Blog posts by Atarashii Apprentice Program


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How to Save Money on Taxes with an Apprentice in Your Salon

If you own a salon and you’re looking for ways to reduce your tax bill, hiring an apprentice might be a smart move. Not only can you train a future employee and provide them with valuable skills, but you can also take advantage of some tax benefits...

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Breaking Barriers: Advocating for Apprenticeships in the Beauty Industry

Are you facing the frustrating reality of not having access to apprenticeships in your state? The lack of apprenticeship programs can indeed pose a significant...

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Iowa's Cosmetology & Barbering Boards Merge: What You Need to Know

In May 2023, Iowa enacted legislation merging its Cosmetology and Barbering Boards, a move that has sparked considerable interest and discussion within the beauty...

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Stop ‘Re-training’ and start “Training”!

Running a successful salon can be both exhilarating and challenging, especially when faced with the constant demand for skilled professionals and the struggle...

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Apprenticeships: A Transformative Boost for Your Business

In my years as a Barber Shop owner/practitioner, I unequivocally affirm that the impact of hiring and training apprentices on my business has been nothing...